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The calendar event handler does not work in window resizing.

Asked by CHO
6 years ago.

The calendar event handler does not work in window resizing.

The event handler does not work when maximizing or minimizing a window. If you change the size of the page directly to drag, resizing works, but in IE 9 and later versions and Chrome, resizing does not work through the maximize / minimize button.

Also, IE8 and below works well, and my daypliot version is 8.3.3601

Give me a guide on how I can fix the situation.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

It looks like Chrome doesn't fire window.onresize if you change the window size between "any state" <-> "minimized". However, it is fired if you switch between "normal" and "maximized" state.

This is a browser implementation and DayPilot simply subscribes to the "resize" event. I don't find anything wrong with this behavior since in the minimized state the window is not visible and when the window is restored it has the same size as previously.

Or is there any problem with that?

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