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Customize the Event Bubble style

Asked by Damien Schoof
13 years ago.

Could you please create the Event Bubbles with a CSS class? This would make it possible to customize the style of the bubble as a whole.

I am running into problems at the moment, because the bubble defines (in an inline style) a padding of 4 pixels all around. This doesn't fit well with our application's styling, but it isn't possible to change this using only CSS. If the Bubble div had its own class name, then I would be able to just over ride it.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.

Since 7.0 release, it is possible to switch the Bubble to CssOnly mode. The CssOnly mode doesn't use any inline styles (other than position-related).

You can apply a custom theme using CssClassPrefix property. The bubble consists of two nested divs. They use the following classes

  • prefix_main (the outer div)
  • prefix_main_inner (the inner div)

A sample theme (CssClassPrefix="bubble_default"):

See also:

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