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Order overlapping events

Asked by Rao
13 years ago.

Hi guys!

I have this situation:
more event, at the same time and day, shown on daypilot calendar overlapped.

The databinding is made by datatable.

The question is:
why, for example, if i add to the datable rows EVENT A first at 12.00 and EVENT B before at 12.00 (same day) the event B in some cases is shown ON the event A. I want that the first add to datatable rows is the first to be shown!

How can i decide the order of the overlapped events?

Thanks in advance

PS. i have posted a picture to show an example. The events in red must be EVER on the events in blue!
The events in red are EVER add to datable rows before the blues.


Answer posted by Rao
13 years ago.

Problem solved.
I add to my daypilotcalendar a custom tag called priority and, with the eventsortexpression, sort alla events by priority asc.


Comment posted by Mathi
13 years ago.

Can u pls explain in detail. I couldnt able to set EventSortExpression = priority.

Comment posted by Poorni
12 years ago.

Plz explain in detail

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