At this moment you can't fully disable the row - but you can implement custom rules that are evaluated in real time.
- use onEventMoving for custom moving rules
- use onTimeRangeSelecting for custom time range selecting rules (creating events)
Example from
dp.onEventMoving = function(args) {
// don't allow moving from A to B
if (args.e.resource() === "A" && args.resource === "B") {
args.left.enabled = false;
args.right.enabled = true;
args.right.html = "You can't move an event from resource A to B";
args.allowed = false;
You can implement something similar in onTimeRangeSelecting, just checking the target row id (args.resource).
dp.onTimeRangeSelecting = function(args) {
if (args.resource === "A") {
args.left.enabled = false;
args.right.enabled = true;
args.right.html = "You can't create an event here";
args.allowed = false;