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Event assigned to duplicated resource (scheduler)

Asked by Simon
11 years ago.

I have two resources R1 and R2, and a child resource C1 which is added as a child resource of both R1 and R2.

See Fig. A (uploaded image)

Events assigned to C1 will only be visible for R1 -> C1.
Is it possible to display events on both R1 -> C1 and R2 -> C1?

For instance if E1 and E2 was assigned to C1 I want the scheduler to look something like this:

See Fig. B (uploaded image)

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

If you use the same resource id then it will be displayed in both rows.

Comment posted by Simon
11 years ago.

Do you have an example that demonstrates this?

I havn't been able to do this, both in the project where I've integrated DayPilot scheduler and in the sample mvc application that comes with version DayPilotProMvc-7.7.5654.

For instance - I add two identical resources like so:
Resources.Add("RX", "RX");
Resources.Add("RX", "RX");

And yes... they are supposed to have the same resource id.
The events that I assign to the first RX will occur for the first RX... and only the first RX. Likewise, events assigned to the second RX will only occur for the first RX.
The events should be displayed on both the first and second RX resource-row.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

You are right, the event is consumed by the first resource with a matching id.

It requires a minor change to allow the event to be loaded in all resources - please hold on.

Comment posted by andre
11 years ago.

I am very interested in this feature, too.

Comment posted by andre
11 years ago.

Hey Dan,
when will the Daypilot get updated and come with this feature?

Thanks in advance

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

The behavior is now updated (build 7.7.3063). You can download it in the sandbox:

This build will load events to all rows where the resource ids match.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET MVC supports it since version 7.7.5656:

Comment posted by andre
11 years ago.

I am only interested in the Javascript version of Daypilot Scheduler.. What about this version?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

Please see version 7.7.727 in the JavaScript sandbox:

Answer posted by andre
11 years ago.

Just tested it.. Old behaviour: A new added event is assigned to the first resource.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago. uses a bit different mechanism. Let me check it.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

I have tested it and it seems to work fine.

How are you adding the new event?

The sandbox build now uses two columns with id "B":

If you create a new event in row "B" it will appear in "B (copy)" as well.

Please make sure that the new DayPilot version is loaded when testing it (Ctrl-F5 or clear the browser cache).

Answer posted by andre
11 years ago.

It work´s! Thanks for your fast response. The scheduler is so a awesome control..

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