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Scheduler event with milestones

Asked by Con
11 years ago.


Is there anyway of displaying milestones for a given multi-day event within a scheduler? milestones would be very short titles (<20 characters)

e.g. For a 2 week event, I want ability to add "milestone A" on day 5, "milestone B" on day 8 etc.

Any advice would be appreciated.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

In the 7.1 release, it's possible to add custom "active areas" to the event. It's a rectangular area that is displayed when you move the mouse over the event.

In order to place the area at the right place, you would have convert date offset to pixels but it should be possible.

Something like this (in OnBeforeEventRender):

DateTime milestone;
int offset = (milestone - e.Start).TotalMinutes / CellDuration * CellSize;
e.Areas.Add(new Area().Left(offset).Top(0).Bottom(0).Width(20).Html("M").CssClass("milestone").JavaScript("alert(e.value())"));

At this moment you can't draw outside of the event box and the areas only become visible on hover.


See also:

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