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Calendar not updating

Asked by Ravenheart
12 years ago.

Greetings DayPilot!

I'm evaluating your DayPilot Calendar control for ASP.NET MVC4 for a surgical planning website. Everything has been pretty good and easy to use, however I simply cannot get the Calendar control update its content.

I'm calling "dpc.commandCallBack("joyNewDate", { dateTime: dateText });" from a jquery Datepicker onSelect event in the client browser. The class handling the backend requests on the server:

protected override void OnCommand(CommandArgs e)
if (e.Command == "joyNewDate")
DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(e.Data["dateTime"].ToString(), "dd.MM.yyyy", m_Culture);
m_WorkDate = date;
this.StartDate = date;

The .Events property gets properly updated in the OnFinish() method, however nothing gets drawn on the calendar! What am I doing wrong here?

Answer posted by Anonymous
12 years ago.

I found the problem myself, for future references - you have to update your .Columns to reflect the new date as well.

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