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End Date is not showing inclusive of date.

Asked by Manish
9 years ago.


I am using DayPilot Lite in that I am using two date field BookingStartDate and BookingEndDate. In this suppose I am giving 21/Sep/2015 as start date and 23/Sep/2015 as end date, then It is showing days as 2 days, instead it should show 3 days. It is not including last date.

Please help me if I am missing anything.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

I assume you are talking about the month control:

DayPilot works with full DateTime specification for both the event start and end. This means the end date is read as an exact time point, i.e. "2015-09-14" means "2015-09-14T00:00:00".

In the Pro version, there are options to read the end date as Date only in selected places:

.allDayEnd property of the Calendar ("DateTime" or "Date"; "DateTime" is the default value)
.eventEndSpec property of the Scheduler ("DateTime" or "Date"; "DateTime" is the default value)

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