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Is it possible to add calendar and Time inside an edit event popup

Asked by Anonymous
9 years ago.

Currently we can edit the date and time as shown in the picture.
Can we add a calendar to select the date and a drop down list or something else for selecting the time inside this Modal pop up?
And if we use the existing, can we have different fields for date and time? Now date and time are in one field.
Thanks in advance.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

DayPilot includes a DatePicker control which you can link to a Label or TextBox control.


This is an example from this demo page:

The source code of the Edit.aspx is in the DayPilot package (see Demo/Calendar/Edit.aspx and Edit.aspx.cs) and you can modify it as needed. There is no problem with splitting the datetime field into two - they are simple TextBox controls. The date is assigned in Page_Load:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)
        // ...

        TextBoxStart.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(ev["start"]).ToString();
        TextBoxEnd.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(ev["end"]).ToString();

You can download the trial package here:

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