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Data Binding

Asked by Gregory MacKay
17 years ago.


Sorry about the cross posting in the bug forum, but I just saw this topic and thought it more appropriate.

I can't seem to get the scheduler bound to data. I would like to use resources down the left side rows and show times across the top for a day (or two). I put a few records into the sample database from the demo and assumed I'd be able to link up the resources field to the resources collection values I put in, but the scheduler doesn't render any events. The dates look good, the startdate is correct, and yet I can't figure it out. When I use the standard day calendar, it binds fine and shows the data. I know I'm getting data to the scheduler, because I even filled a dataset with the data and bound the datasource of the scheduler to that, but still nothing shows up in the scheduler. Any ideas? I would dearly love for this to work, because I have lots of clients that could benefit from this control.

- Gregory MacKay

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
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