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Custom schema for datasource bound to daypilot control

Asked by Anonymous
17 years ago.

Hi Dan,

Please let me know if we can define our own schema for a datasource and bind it to daypilot control.

Right the control looks for two fields start and end in the datasource and if the fields are not there it is throwing an error.

Thanks in advance.


Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
You can set the column names using DataStartField and DataEndField properties. See also Data properties overview in the documentation.
Comment posted by Siju George
17 years ago.

Thats fine DAN as without specifying these two fields the control will not display anything.My need is to have Weekdays displayed as Header text(Sundayto Saturday) without specifying the Start Date and End Date. Even putting Days= '7' after specifying the Start Date is not useful to me as I have to display theControl in weekly view state and that tooalways from Sunday to Saturday so that I can have weekly schedule and the same can be applied to all the weeks in a calender year irrespective of any date. Please let me know if this possible.

If this is possible, will there be any features (like events) which will not work properly.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
I'm not sure I understand.

Each column can show just events which happen during the day specified for the column. The columns are either autogenerated (when ViewType==Days) or you can specify them manually (when ViewType==Resources). But in both cases, each column has a date and shows just events that are within that date (and for resources view, it must also have the same ColumnId).

If you give an example of the result you need, I will be able to tell you more.
Comment posted by Anonymous
17 years ago.

Hi Dan,

Both I and Siju work in the same project. So, let me simplify the question for you.

1. Can we show the events without setting the "StartDate" property of daypilot control. We need this feature because in our project we are going by week day (eg. sunday, monday etc) and not by date.

2. The start and end properties for the start time and end time of an event follows the format 2007-01-01T12:45:00. Instead of this can we use the format "12:00 AM" and "11:59 PM".

Right now we are getting the data from the tables and creating acustom datatable with the format (2007-01-01T12:45:00) so that the events can be seen. Otherwise the events are not shown.

Let me know your comments and suggestions on the above two requirements.

Thanks in advance.


Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
I'm thinking about it but DayPilot is tied to the date too much. The best way seems to be what you already do, i.e. add the date part to the time specification in the database and use the same date as StartDate.
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