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Custom context menu when right-clicking on empty space in Scheduler

Asked by Scott Mitchell
11 years ago.

I am using Daypilot for ASP.NET MVC, specifically the Scheduler.

I set the ContextMenuSelection property of the Scheduler to show a context menu when a user right-clicks on an empty space in the scheduler. But I need to customize the context menu depending on the clicked resource.

For example, my scheduler has four resources: A, B, C and D.

If the user right-clicks on a blank cell for resource A I want to show a context menu with options X and Y. If they right-click on an empty cell for resource B I want to show a context menu with options X and Z, and so on.

How can I do this? My initial thought was to override the OnBeforeCellRender method and set the e.ContextMenuClientName property based on the resource, but there is no e.ContextMenuClientName in this event handler.


Comment posted by GaProgMan
10 years ago.

If you don't mind me asking: which properties did you have to set to enable the context menu on an empty space (I'm guessing you mean a cell here) ?

Also, can you not use the e.ResourceID to get the numerical value for the Resource and look up the value of your resource using that? I'm doing a similar thing for my event rendering.

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