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How to add datatags to event bubble

Asked by anwar
10 years ago.

i was trying to populate datatag fields in the event bubble but could not find any answer so i came up with my own hope it helps some one in future this is done server side when you hover above an event in the schedular

Protected Sub EventBubble1_RenderContent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Bubble.RenderEventArgs) Handles EventBubble1.RenderContent

Dim re As RenderEventBubbleEventArgs = e

'gets the events for notes
Dim da As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("SELECT [notes] FROM [mytable] WHERE [ID] = '" & re.Value & "'", ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("myconnectionstring").ConnectionString)

Dim dt As New DataTable()

re.InnerHTML = dt.Rows(0).Item(0)

End Sub

Comment posted by anwar
10 years ago.

oh and dont forget to add the daypilot bubbule in the source and import daypilot bubble namespace

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

Thanks Anwar.

Just a note - you can also pre-load the event bubble HTML in BeforeEventRender (e.BubbleHtml):

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