I am evaluating your DayPilot Calendar Pro and am having problems getting business days to set.
I have followed all your examples, with no luck.
In my app, users will be able to define their own schedules. This information is stored in the database (sql server 2005).
I have an example in my database where a user works, Monday 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm, Tuesday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Friday 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm.
Since each day is different I am using your beforecellrender event. (I guess I will have to store working days in an array in order to not hit the database each time a cell is rendered).
I have tried many different ways to accomplish this and have provided examples below
Basically, on each day, I need to set the days business start/end date/time using information from my db like
Dim dc As New SalonDataClassesDataContext
For Each DOW In dc.vWorkDays
Dim dhs As Integer = DOW.StartTime.Hour
Dim dhe As Integer = DOW.EndTime.Hour
CalSchedules.BusinessBeginsHour = dhs
CalSchedules.BusinessEndsHour = dhe
CalSchedules.Date = DOW.WeekDay
Can something like this be done using your control?
Protected Sub CalSchedules_BeforeCellRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.BeforeCellRenderEventArgs) Handles CalSchedules.BeforeCellRender
Dim dc As New SalonDataClassesDataContext
For Each DOW In dc.vWorkDays
If e.Start.DayOfWeek.ToString = DOW.WorkDay.Trim Then
Dim st As Integer = e.Start.Hour
Dim se As Integer = e.End.Hour
If e.Start.Hour >= DOW.StartTime.Hour And e.End.Hour <= DOW.EndTime.Hour Then
e.IsBusiness = True
e.IsBusiness = False
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Sub CalSchedules_BeforeCellRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.BeforeCellRenderEventArgs) Handles CalSchedules.BeforeCellRender
Dim dc As New SalonDataClassesDataContext
For Each DOW In dc.vWorkDays
If e.Start.DayOfWeek.ToString = DOW.WorkDay.Trim Then
Dim st As Integer = e.Start.Hour
Dim se As Integer = e.End.Hour
'If Me.CalSchedules.BusinessBeginsHour <= DOW.StartTime.Hour Then
' Dim st As String = e.Start.Hour.ToString
' Dim dhs As Integer = DOW.StartTime.Hour
' Dim dhe As Integer = DOW.EndTime.Hour
' CalSchedules.BusinessBeginsHour = dhs
' CalSchedules.BusinessEndsHour = dhe
' e.IsBusiness = True
'ElseIf Me.CalSchedules.BusinessBeginsHour >= DOW.StartTime.Hour Then
' Dim dhs As Integer = DOW.StartTime.Hour
' Dim dhe As Integer = DOW.EndTime.Hour
' CalSchedules.BusinessBeginsHour = dhs
' CalSchedules.BusinessEndsHour = dhe
' e.IsBusiness = True
' e.IsBusiness = False
'End If
'' If e.Start.Hour >= Me.CalSchedules.BusinessBeginsHour And e.Start.Hour <= Me.CalSchedules.BusinessEndsHour Then
'' Dim wd As String = DOW.WorkDay.ToString.Trim
'' ' If ea.Hour >= CalSchedules.BusinessBeginsHour Then
' CalSchedules.BusinessBeginsHour = dhs
' CalSchedules.BusinessEndsHour = dhe
' e.IsBusiness = True
' End If
End If
'Dim s As New Scheduling
's.CheckDay(Me.CalSchedules, e)
End Sub