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daypilot scheduler resize and cellwidth property

Asked by Nelson Goncalves
15 years ago.


I'm using daypilot scheduler and I have a problem with the resize of the table (html table) where component is.
The Width property of the component has a defined value, and always the same, as the table width.

On CellWidth property I assign a value, and the result would be nice if the table where daypilot component is located doesn't stretch.
if I change the value of CellWidth to less, the table size becomes smaller, or becomes larger if the CellWidth value increase.

How can I control the component to not stretch the table where it is in.

This problem occurs in the IE8, not in Firefox.
The HTML generated in both browsers is the same.

Thanks in advance,

Nelson Goncalves

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

You can try putting DayPilot inside a div with position:absolute style specified. That way the parent table cell won't be stretched.

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