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IE: Script error

Asked by Richard
11 years ago.

DayPilot 7.7.3045

I have a page which uses a scheduler and a navigator to display events for a single day, using the commandCallBack method to reload the scheduler. When I navigate to a different day and scroll the scheduler, I get a script error in IE:

Unable to set property 'innerHTML' of undefined or null reference
Line: 1, Column: 15441

This error does not occur in Firefox, and was not present in the previous version (7.6.3006).

I have attached a simple demonstration of the problem.

Comment posted by Richard
11 years ago.

The affected section of the code appears to be:

var e=this.elements.hsections[i];var $m=e.cell;if($m){e.firstChild.innerHTML=$;}

It looks like e.firstChild is null after a command callback.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

Hi Richard,

Let me check the issue.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

This issue is now fixed in the latest sandbox build (7.7.3050):

You can test it in the time headers demo which includes navigation buttons (previous/next):

The fix will be included in the next SP release.

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