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Javascript error when loading All-day event

Asked by SP
10 years ago.

Daypilot.dll ver: 6.5.2324.0
Javascript error : Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'style' is null or not an object at $$0F+2+i*$U+$U/2)+"px";
Error Source: webresource.axd.

This happens when loading the calendar containing an all-day event when the property 'DataAllDayField=AllDay' is set.
The page and all-day event loads properly, if the script error is disabled. But the error message is shown.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

You should upgrade to the latest DLL. Version 6.5 is almost 3 years old and this bug has been fixed already.

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