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Daypilot Angular 2 : ERROR : DayPilot.Scheduler: The placeholder element not found: 'dp_1527237171484105172'.

Asked by rmajid
6 years ago.

I tried to use the Angular Daypilot scheduler with the ngx-bootstrap accordion Module ( but i have this Error Message :
ERROR Error: DayPilot.Scheduler: The placeholder element not found: 'dp_1527237171484105172'.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

The Scheduler requires that the component is actually rendered during initialization. It creates a placeholder with ID starting with "dp_" which needs to be present.

It looks like the accordion doesn't render the HTML until the content is displayed. In that case, you'll need to add the Scheduler dynamically when the accordion content becomes part of the DOM.

Comment posted by Anonymous
5 years ago.

me too, I have this error

ERROR Error: DayPilot.Scheduler: The placeholder element not found: 'dp_153326697184697738'.
ERROR TypeError: c.startDate.addDays is not a function

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