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cancel an onEventMoved or onEventResized

Asked by Lorne
11 years ago.

If my client side javascript code how do would stop the user moving and resizing an event from within the event handler?

Answer posted by Lorne
11 years ago.

Found the answer: hope this helps other people save some time

//This gets called when the user drops the event
dp.onEventMove = function (args) {

//args.e is the event object that is being moved

//This cancels the event move do this conditionally based on some business rules
args.preventDefault.value = true;


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

Thanks for posting the answer.

The recommended way is to use args.preventDefault().

See also:

The args.preventDefault.value is an internal API and it may change it the future.

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