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How can I make appointments be staked vice side by side in a week view?

Asked by Steve
11 years ago.

Hi Dan,

We are using the week view and would like to be able to show more information in a cell. Ideally, the following text "1 hr (10:00-11:00) Steve Thomas/Joe Schmo"

If you look at the following picture in this link you will see the problem.

Suggestions on how to make each appointment be in its own "row" / stacked vice side by side when they are the same time? I know about height but I'm guessing that will just make the cell taller and not help a lot. We are using a hover over to show details but need it visible in the calendar.

Been using DayPilot for many happily years.. Sometime around 2006.
Keep up the great work.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

Hi Steve:

1. You can try fixed column width:

This would be a quick solution. You can specify the column width in pixels. A horizontal scrollbar will be added if the total width exceeds the calendar control width.

2. Another option is to create a set of custom columns manually, possible one per person/resource:


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