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How to show back-to-back events using full width of calendar cell

Asked by maverill
14 years ago.

In our app, we have many events that occur right after each other. For example, one event starts at 7:00 AM and finishes at 8:00 AM. The next event starts at 8:00 AM and finishes at 9:00 AM. In the Calendar control, the events are displayed using only half the cell width, in a "staggered" (1st event left justified, 2nd event right justified) format.

I assume this is because the events technically overlap (the 1st ends at 8:00 and the 2nd starts at 8:00). If I change the 1st event to finish at 7:59, the events take up the whole width of the cell. However, the 7:59 looks a bit odd.

Is there any way to have the events display all the way across the cell and not have to adjust the end time downward?


Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

This should work out of the box. Two events - when the first ends exactly when the second starts - are not considered overlapping. Does the problem persist with the latest sandbox build (5.7.1912)?

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