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modal will not stay on top of web page!

Asked by Anonymous
11 years ago.

Im am trying to get the modal to stay on top or in front when it comes up. right now I have two pages working with the modal. one uses the month calendar and the other uses the scheduler, both modals are functioning except on the month calendar the opacity does not work and I am using a master page, which I can live without, on the scheduler I am not using a master page and the modal works fine except when you click outside the modal it disappears and focus is on the scheduler again. is there some way to keep the modal from closing when clicked outside the modal? I am using, and have the pro 7.5 version, Any help with this issue will be great. Thanks!

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

Comment out the line 189 in daypilot-modal-2.1.js (

window.setTimeout(function() {
  // This.hideDiv.onclick = function() { This.hide(); };
}, 500);

But be careful - the user won't be able to close it if the close button is not accessible (e.g. when there is an error in the inner page).

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