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DayPilotBubble & Master Page

Asked by Michael
17 years ago.

I use DayPilotCalendar and DayPilotBubble controls.

My trouble is :
When DayPilotCalendar is on page without master page everything is OK. But when it is on a page wich has master page DayPilotBubble window is not shown. The trouble appears only in InternetExplorer browser.

Please help me!!!!
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
The master page itself is probably not the problem. I guess it's because of the DocType of the master page. Try switchiing it to XHTML 1.0 Transitional. I will be working on DayPilotBubble compatibility with other doctypes meanwhiile.
Comment posted by Anonymous
15 years ago.


I'm having trouble getting the bubble to appear when using the calendar controlonmaster pages. The bubble appears when I hover over an event when not using master pages but when I use master pages, the bubble does not appear. The RenderBubbleEvent event does get fired though.

Any help would be very much appreciated!

Thanks, Huw

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

Have you checked the doctype in the master page?

If the server-side event handler is fired it mean you have assigned the ID correctly (see also a similar problem with DayPilot Menu).

The quirks mode bubble bug was fixed already in DayPilot Pro 4.9 SP3 so this shouldn't be the problem.

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