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Daypilot C# Get Selected Day

Asked by hari prasad
7 years ago.


I am building a master rota using Daypilot. I only care about Monday -Sunday. I don't care about DATES, just DAYS. E.G a shift created on a Monday between 2-4 will be there every Monday between 2-4.

I am using the TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript to call the modal popup

Is there a way using this javascript to get the selected DAY.

E.G if they try and create a appointment on the weekly calender on a Monday, then "Monday" can be passed through?

TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript="timeRangeSelected(start, end,$('#MainContent_DropDownList_Week').val(), $('#MainContent_DropDownListLocationMasterRota').val());"

Thank You

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