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hided children opened automatically?!

Asked by Daniel
9 years ago.


my scheduler has a auto-refresh. When i close a children with the "-" and the auto-refresh fired, the children opened automatically!

Is it a bug or a feature? :-)


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

The AutoRefresh event handler doesn't do anything by itself in the JavaScript version.

If you are using the MVC version than make sure that you don't reload the Resources list on the server side during the AutoRefresh callback. The Resources are persisted including the expanded/collapsed node state but if you reload it the state will be lost.

Answer posted by Daniel
9 years ago.

I am using ne JS-version.

Ok, it seems the "dp.update()" is the problem... I do not reload the resources, only the events in this way:

DayPilot.request("backend_events.php", function(result) {
var data = eval("(" + result.responseText + ")"); = data;


Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

Thanks for the update. Let me check that.

Answer posted by Daniel
9 years ago.

Hey Dan,
did you find anything?

The Problem still exists at Version: 923.

Thanks, Daniel.

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