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Timeline & resync events in resource view

Related article: JavaScript Resource Calendar Tutorial - PHP/MySQL (Open-Source)
Asked by Anonymous
1 year ago.
  • Any possibility to show the current timeline or highlight the current cell duration with different background in lite version?

  • How to update events from database periodically when there is no activity?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

> Any possibility to show the current timeline or highlight the current cell duration with different background in lite version?

This is not supported in the Lite version at the moment. In the Pro version, you can use the built-in current time indicator or customize the individual calendar grid cells.

> How to update events from database periodically when there is no activity?

In the Pro version, there is an auto-refresh feature. In the Lite version, you can use a custom setInterval() callback and refresh the calendar using the update() method.

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