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Resource Header Click

Asked by Yung
10 years ago.

I was able to implement Resource Header Click using Javascript in version 7.6, however, when I move to version 7.9, it does not work anymore. It gives a JScropt error: 'ctrlKey' is null or not an object. The error seems to come from daypilot-all.min.js .... $e.$97(r,ev.ctrlKey,ev.shiftKey,ev.metaKey)

What did I miss when I move from 7.6 to 7.9?

Thank you.

Comment posted by Pro User
10 years ago.

Looks like it was changed to Row Header Click

Comment posted by Yung
10 years ago.

That didn't work either, but thanks.

Answer posted by Yung
10 years ago.

After further tests, I found that there is no problem with the Resource Header Click if I use Google Chrome instead of IE8 as the browser. So, it seems that ResourceHeaderClick event is not supported in IE8.

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