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Daypilot Calendar - JS crashes on hover off header

Asked by Jenny
11 years ago.

I am using latest version of Calendar and have successfully opended the Timtable Example.

However, when I hover over the day header (top header) and then move the mouse away, I get a JS error:

Unhandled exception at line 2, column 86234 in http://localhost:55928/WebResource.axd?d=fbHMmAk334V3FHz5FLojPu4-fguTMwgU_sR_z5p5nGM7VCAtmf2uAdUy-oitZ1xm6njRAblSYSn8OVzvBZ83EUeEye79HrcnW8zssgNEiOvV5J4dwj0jO3MzJBdg4PiSjkI_qoFtDHR9djAWZSDaCg2&t=635254257828372097

0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property 'cells' of undefined or null reference

It stops at this:


Is this a known issue and how do I fix it?>


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

This issue should be fixed by upgrading DayPilot.dll to the latest version.

The updated Timetable Tutorial code now includes DayPilot version 7.6 that fixes the problem:

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