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Scheduler - Highlight Resource Start/End Dates

Asked by Avram
10 years ago.

From what I can tell DayPilot should be able to do everything I might need, but learning how is the issue. Crawl before walking. Learning from TutorialScheduler c#. First steps: my list of Resources includes a tour "name" and a date range (start/end) for that tour. LoadResource() loads the Tours in the left column. Now I want to highlight the active dates for each. Capturing DayPilotNavigator1_BeforeCellRender I want to compare the cell date being rendered with the start/end dates and change the background color as appropriate. However, a) I do not know what cell date is being rendered and b) when I compare e.start to Today() and set background it does so only for the first row, not subsequent rows as I can see in the e.ResourceId.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

Can you please try to update to the latest DayPilot Pro version?

In 7.9 SP5 and prior releases there was a bug that ignored custom cell properties in all but the first row.

See also here - see "[Scheduler] Cell properties expanding fixed (Scheduler).":

Let me know if it didn't help.

In OnBeforeCellRender, you should be able to read the cell properties using e.Start, e.End, and e.ResourceId:

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