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Change row height

Asked by Lorenzo Nocentini
9 years ago.

Hello, I am trying to reduce the height for specific rows.

I understand that row height is calculated automatically according to the EventHeight property, but we have some specific resources that do not have events associated (used as nodes in a treeview), and therefore it would be great to render those with a lower height than the others.

Otherwise, those rows with no events will get the same height as the others, thus wasting a lot of space.

I tried to set a different css class in BeforeResHeaderRender (with a lower height), and that works, but only for row headers! Doing the same for every cells in BeforeCellRender event does not work as well.

Do you have some suggestion how to do this?


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

You can set the height of all events in a row using BeforeResHeaderRender event handler/e.EventHeight property.

If there are no events in that row this will make the height of that row equal to the e.EventHeight value.

Let me know if it didn't help.

Comment posted by Lorenzo Nocentini
9 years ago.

Thanks for the help. In the event BeforeResHeaderRender of DayPilot Scheduler, I cannot see an EventHeight property for the e parameter (BeforeResHeaderRenderEventArgs).
Is it a new version of DayPilot control or a different object?

Comment posted by Lorenzo Nocentini
9 years ago.

I found it out! I needed to upgrade to the latest version: the one I was using was 7.6.3006.1
It looks like this feature was introduced later.
Thank you so much!

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