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DayPilotMonth - Different Event Heights?

Asked by Simon Edwards
17 years ago.

In DayPilotMonth, in some events I need to show just a single line of Text, and in others I need to show multiple lines of text. As space on the screen (and inside the day "cell") is limited, I would like the event height to effectively "autosize" to it's contents OR, give me the ability to specify the height of the event in BeforeEventRender.

Perhaps, you could expose an e.EventHeight property on the event args parameter, or maybe even expose the CssStyle of the DIV which is the container for the Event Text.

Can you please let me know if there are any plans to incorporate this functionality.

BTW: thanks for adding event bubbles to DayPilotMonth - i needed these too :)

Simon Edwards

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
This is a little bit difficult because all the calculations assume that all event heights are the same (it's further complicated by the multi-day events).

Maybe it would be possible to allow custom height in integer multiples of the default height (i.e. 1, 2, 3 rows) but it's still a good amount of work. The reasons seem to be valid but I still need to give it a thought.
Comment posted by Simon Edwards
17 years ago.

I appreciate it may not be as straight forward as it sounds, but thanks for giving it some thought.

Comment posted by Simon Edwards
16 years ago.

Are we any closer to a solution to this one? The height in multiples of the default as suggested would be sufficient?

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