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FireFox context menu issue

Asked by Sheraz
17 years ago.
When we right click on an event in firefox it shows context menu but also shows the browser menu on top of it.....
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
This can happen in on of the two cases:
  • In about:config, you have the dom.event.contextmenu.enabled preference set to false,
  • There is a JavaScript error during menu rendering. In that case, can you post the error details?
Comment posted by Anonymous
16 years ago.
I'm having the same problem except in IE6. Any thoughts?
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
DayPilot uses "return false;" in the context menu handler (oncontextmenu) to prevent the standard context menu from appearing. In Firefox the user can forbid the default menu overriding using the config settings mentioned above (dom.event.contextmenu.enabled). In IE it's always allowed to override the context menu - it means that there was an error in the event handler.

One of the possible causes can be assigning a wrong ContextMenuClientName in BeforeEventRender event handler (it must be the value of DayPilotMenu.ClientObjectName property). ContextMenuClientName is useful when you need to assign the context menu for individual events.

1. Does the DayPilot context menu appear below the standard one?
2. Does it happen in FF or other browsers as well?
Comment posted by Anonymous
16 years ago.
The context menu displays behind the regular context menu. No, it displays correctly in FF.
Comment posted by Sheraz
16 years ago.
i have been closing looking at this issue ad have found the exact case to reproduce this.
Whenever the eventclick is set to disabled context menu comes up with the default right click menu.
It works fine when event click is set to edit.

I hope this would help day pilot team track the error and rectify the problem hopefully in the coming release.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

Thanks for the reproduction instructions, that helps a lot! The fix will be included in the next release.
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