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dpc1.refreshCallBack & "Processing" message

Asked by Craig
17 years ago.

It is possible to have a "Processing" message appear when a user selects a new date for the Calendar? It is hard to tell sometimes when the calendar has completed refreshing and loading of new days data. This mainly occurs when a user presses the next/previous buttons.

So, is there an event or something that I can call (client side) that will clear a "Processing" div that would be enabled before calling refreshCallBack...



Comment posted by Craig
17 years ago.

I figured out a way to do this. onclick event for the Next/Previous buttons does a document.getElementById("spaLoading").style.display="inline";

Then for the AfterRenderJavascript, have it call a function that sets the above span's display to "none". This enables a "Loading..Please wait" message to appear while the calendar renders the new data and then it goes away once it is complete. This should help prevent the users from pressing the next/prev buttons multiple times.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Craig, Thanks for posting the solution!
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