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Time range selection in schedular has a delay when using touch rather than mouse

Asked by Anonymous
9 years ago.

onTimeRangeSelected: function(args) {
//Do things

The above code works fine when selecting a time range with the mouse, but it has a delay when selecting a time range by touch. I have to rest my finger on the starting block of my time range selection for a second for it to recognize my touch. After it recognized my touch, I can go ahead and move my finger to select a time range.

I've tested this on Android with chrome, on iOS with safari and on windows 10 with chrome(laptop with touchscreen).

Is it possible to eliminate this delay?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

This is by design - starting the time range selecting immediately it would prevent grid scrolling.

You can configure the delay using tapAndHoldTimeout (the default value is 300ms):

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