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Questions Tagged time-range

Scheduler - right clicking changes existing time range selection

Answered: Thanks for uploading the sample project. This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2023.1.5487): Please let me know if it doesn't work as ex...

Dragging events out of loaded date range leads to errors or losing duration

Hi everyone, I have trouble with my Scheduler when dragging events out of the loaded time range using infinite scrolling. So I'm starting with a range of multiple months around "today" loaded and dra...

How to highlight the row header (resource) after range selection

Answered: You should take a look at the dynamic onTimeRangeSelecting event: It will let you highlight the current resource using args.row.addCl...

Show resource unavailability based on time-range not on cells

Answered: It's possible to implement custom rules using onEventMoving, onEventResizing and onTimeRangeSelecting events:

How to display time range of resource e.g. to show unavailability

I`m familiar with selecting cells to achieve that, but unavailability time range may not be rounded on cell duration.

How to change the time range showing in left hand side of the DayPilot Event Calender

Answered: @Html.DayPilotCalendar("days_resources", new DayPilotCalendarConfig { BusinessBeginsHour = 9, BusinessEndsHour= 17, } you need to add bussiness begins and ends hour in your helper html tag

Time range selection in schedular has a delay when using touch rather than mouse

Answered: This is by design - starting the time range selecting immediately it would prevent grid scrolling. You can configure the delay using tapAndHoldTimeout (the default value is 300ms): http://api.daypilo...
Questions 1-7 of 7