1. In the Scheduler (http://javascript.daypilot.org/scheduler/), you have the following options:
(1.A) X-Axis (Time)
You can hide certain time periods. You can do it either using onIncludeCell (which modifies the automatically-generated timeline):
or by building your own timeline:
In both cases, you need to know which cells (columns) you want to hide.
(1.B) Y-Axis (Resources)
The height of the resources row is determined by the event height (or the multiple the event height in case of overlapping events).
It is possible to reduce the height of resources that don't have any events using the following configuration:
Set the default event height:
dp.eventHeight = 10; // this is the reduced height which will be the default for all resources
Add the normal event height to all event objects:
dp.events.list = [
{id: 1, ....., height: 20},
{id: 2, ....., height: 20},
2. In the Calendar (http://javascript.daypilot.org/calendar/), you can hide "non-business" hours with no events using hideFreeCells property:
dp.hideFreeCells = true;
This will only hide cells outside of the range defined using businessBeginsHour and businessEndsHour.
Besides that, you can force hiding of certain hours using dayBeginsHour and dayEndsHour properties. It works for dayBeginsHour > dayEndsHour as well (an overnight shift):
3. In the Monthly calendar (http://javascript.daypilot.org/month/) it is only possible to hide weekend cells:
You need to decide whether to hide the weekends yourself.