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Setting start time for the scheduler

Asked by Viktor Eriksson
4 years ago.

We want to put the scheduler on an info screen and use autoRefresh. We want to display lets say 21 days. 1.5 weeks back and 1.5 weeks ahead. But when incrementing start time every minute to keep current time in the middle of the screen it just uses the date part. It skipps the time part.
How do we set startTime of the scheduler ?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

The Scheduler always uses the date part of the startDate to calculate the timeline.

1. If you use scale units smaller than 1 day you can hide selected time cells using onIncludeTimeCell event handler:

2. You can also generate a custom timeline by defining individual cells:

3. If you just want to show the current date/time in the middle you can also use scrollTo() method to adjust the scrollbar position:

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