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Sheduler + Jquery Tabs scaling problem

Asked by Allan
9 years ago.


I am using ASP.Net MVC 4, Scheduler and Jquery Tab from version 1.8.24.

The problem I have is the one I`ve seen there before:
My hidden schedulers don`t load properly by the time I open some other tabs.
Ive got scrolling on the right and problem with the title column on left. It is not scaled properly to fit its content.

No idea how could I use .resize() method on Scheduler.

Help plz!

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

The latest DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET MVC version (8.1) includes an auto-detection mechanism that waits until the Scheduler becomes visible and fixes the layout. It looks like you might be using an older version that doesn't fix itself.

If it still doesn't work you can call .show() to fix the layout manually (this method replaces the .resize() from the older post).

Comment posted by Allan_
9 years ago.

Thanks for your answer.

Yes. We do use an older version of DayPilot, I`ve checked the license and it seems that I can`t upgrade it anymore. Tried to use mentioned show() method before but it didn`t work as well. I`ve checked it on the browser debugger and script seemed to work properly.

Answer posted by Allan
9 years ago.

Problem is in the width of an items column. After show() method height is scaled properly but width of the column still doesn`t fit it`s content.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

You can also try calling .update(). This reloads the Scheduler but it's designed to be a relatively cheap operation. And it will ensure that everything is rendered properly.

Answer posted by Allan
9 years ago.


It works! Somehow I missed that while trying all the options from reference. Now I have to figure out how to deal with minor peformance issues but still one step closer.

Thanks you very much. Glad to have you there. :)

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