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Multi-Line Events

Asked by Blake
9 years ago.

Is there any way to allow the events within the Scheduler grid to show 2 or more lines of text?
One of the challenges I'm faced with is being able to show sufficient detail for each event. I am currently using a combination of icons within the event text to relay important information, as well as the bubbleHTML for showing several pertinent data items associated with each event. Ideally I would like to be able to have each event show as multi-line so that I can provide more visual cues to the user without the need for them to mouse over the event. I don't need to have different heights for different events (although that might also be beneficial), but it would certainly be helpful for me to be able to define events with more that 1 line of text within the scheduler grid.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

By default, the Scheduler prevents the event text from wrapping. You can change it using eventTextWrappingEnabled property:

dp.eventTextWrappingEnabled = true;

You can also set custom event height if needed, just specify the height as part of event data: = [{
  id: "1"
  start: "2016-01-01T09:00:00",
  end: "2016-01-01T13:00:00",
  text: "Event 1",
  height: 40
Comment posted by Blake
9 years ago.

Thank you so much for the quick reply - this has provided me with exactly what I needed.
In my situation, I don't actually want the text to wrap, but simply changing the height within the event itself provides exactly what I need.

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