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Offsetting start/end event

Asked by Vincent
1 year ago.

Is the grid able to show/snap events as starting and ending in the middle of the day columns?

So, for example, if you had an event going from 03/07/24 to 03/08/24, it would display the event as starting in the middle of the 3/07/27 day column and display the event as ending in the middle of the 03/09/24 day column? In other words, it would effectively work like an offset on the grid that goes to the right by a few pixels?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

The events are always rendered at locations specified by start/end. To show the event start at noon you need to specify the time as 12:00 ("2024-0307T12:00:00").

To align the event start/end during drag and drop operations, there are two options:

  • You can create a custom timeline where the cells start and end at noon. This approach is used in the Hotel Room Booking tutorial.

  • You can customize the snap-to-grid feature and adjust the start/end dynamically during drag and drop.

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