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Help with possible AJAX Issue

Asked by LowTide
17 years ago.


I recently downloaded the demo and I have to say it is working pretty well. I ended up putting the DemoSQL code into a page on my project and got everything working just fine. I then added a Telerik Tabstrip control to the page and I have the calendar on one page and the a telerik grid on another page of a multipage control.

On first load of the page everything works like a champ on the calendar. If I go the the radgrid tab and do some sort of ajax call like updating the grid with a filter, then click back to the calendar tab - none of the events are getting fired. I am guessing it is because the calendar isn't in the viewstate or something like that.

I can always make separate pages, but it would be nice if I could use the tab control with the AJAX - Any thoughts?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Hi LowTide, Sorry for the delay.

Version 4.4 of DayPilot includes a fix of a bug that prevented the calendar from working when it was first loaded with Visible="false" and than activated during a partial PostBack by setting Visible="true". If you are not using 4.4 I would try upgrading first.

If that doesn't help, can you please contact me at daypilot @

The problem might be in the Tab control (although after a quick look it doesn't appear to do anything else then changing visibility of the divs after tab header click) or in the AJAX update of the grid. I'm not aware of any bug/limitation that would prevent this scenario.
Comment posted by LowTide
17 years ago.
I just sent an email...
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