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can DayPilot Pro Business Edition work with ASP.Net 2.0?

Asked by Eunice Harris
11 years ago.

I downloaded the Day Pilot Pro trial and tutorial, and got AJAX working. Now I am trying to see if the latest DayPilot Pro for ASP.Net WebForms is compatible with ASP.Net 2.0. This is because my current production webpage uses Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3634; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3634 . I also use IIS 6 on the production server, but there is also ASP.Net 3.5 available.
What features will I be missing if I use ASP.Net 2.0 if it works at all? So far on my test PC it is still using .NET 4.0. I have modified the web.config inside the TutorialVB, and changed
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" ...
<compilation debug="true" ...
and my underlying IIS uses .NET 2.0 but that doesn't affect my test calendar webpage, which still uses 4.0. I can tell this by putting an error into the page and the error page lists .NET 4.0.

Comment posted by Eunice Harris
11 years ago.

I am using tutorial: TutorialDayWeekMonth.VS2010.20131115

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

DayPilot is compiled with .NET 2.0 and you can use it on IIS 6 with .NET Framework 2.0. Everything should work.

Just note that most of the tutorials at are built using Visual Studio 2010 or higher and use .NET Framework 4.0. The demo web application in the DayPilot package is using .NET Framework 2.0 so you can start from there.

1. You can copy the web.config from the DayPilot demo (Demo directory of the zip package). This version of the web.config is compatible with .Net Framework 2.0.

2. The actual .NET Framework version that will be used for the web application is determined by the web server. Make sure that the web application in the IIS is set to use .NET Framework 2.0.

Right-click the application in IIS manager -> Properties -> ASP.NET tab. Choose the ASP.NET version. Make sure that all websites in the same app pool use the same .NET version.

During development you should set .NET Framework 2.0 as the "Target Framework" in Visual Studio: Right click the web app -> Property Pages -> Build tab.

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