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DayPilot Scheduler doesn't repaint itself after an AJAX post because Telerik RadAjaxPanel.

Asked by Josep
13 years ago.

Hi, we have detected an incompatibility with your DayPilot Scheduler control because Telerik controls included in our solution.

Our ASP.NET solution integrates Telerik controls and we use a RadAjaxPanel where we put your Scheduler control in.

The problem we've detected is that after an AJAX POST cause by some other control as LinkButton, your Scheduler doesn't repaint itself.

After inspecting the JavaScript code generated, I've found that the function that repaints DayPilot Scheduler control is called "dps1_Init()".
So, if I call this function from my browser JavaScript console after my page is loaded, the DayPilot Scheduler repaints itself and works as usual.

I've tested your sample with ajax UpdatePanel (not telerik RadAjaxPanel) and it seems to work fine. So that's why it made me think about some incompatibility between each control.

We can de-activate AJAX when we use a DayPilot Scheduler. This solves the problem but we would like to keep using AJAX in all our pages so I wonder if you know about this incompatibility and you have a solution/ workaround.

Thanks so much.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.

Drawing the control in an UpdatePanel requires special handling. In case of ASP.NET AJAX (standard part of ASP.NET since v3.5) DayPilot detects the presence of the library uses its special methods for generating the JavaScript.

Unfortunately, this is not implemented for third-party AJAX libraries.

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