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Calendar: Bug in InnerHtml (BeforeEventRender) when text contains double spaces

Asked by Joacim
17 years ago.

When using the BeforeEventRender event to customize the text shown in the calendar events the web work process never returns if the text that is rendered contains two or more spaces after each other. As in this example:

Protected Sub uxDayPilot_BeforeEventRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ...
e.InnerHtml = "<b>Hello World</b>" '<-- two spaces between the words Hello and World
End Sub

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
I can't guarantee that there is no bug that causes what you describe but it doesn't seem to be related to double spaces. I've tried to change Demo/Calendar/Default.aspx.cs according to your sample but that doesn't reproduce the bug (both the initial rendering and callback work good).

Are you able to provide reproduction steps for some page in the demo?
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