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QueryString Passing

Asked by Gareth
17 years ago.





How do i pass the EventID, Title, Subject etc of the control to ViewEvents.aspx?? -

I know you dont really need to help me with this but your help is very much appreciated and the demo control will be demonstrared to a good audience of people giving yourselfs good marketing



void DayPilotCalendar1_EventClick(object sender, EventArgs e)"ViewEvents.aspx");
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
First you need to get the header right - see my reply here -

Once you have EventClickEventArgs in the header you can use its properties for the redirect:

void DayPilotCalendar1_EventClick(object sender, EventClickEventArgs e) {
Response.Redirect(String.Format("EventDetail.aspx?id={0}", e.Value), true);

At the moment there are two relevant properties in EventClickEventArgs:
  • Value (comes from DataValueField column of the data source)
  • Tag (comes from DataTagField column of the data source)
This is usually enough, because Value contains the event primary key so you can pull the data from a database. However, based on customer requests, I will include more details in the properties (Start, End, and maybe other information) in the next DayPilot release.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
And no problem with asking. I'm always ready to make things clear.
Comment posted by Gareth
17 years ago.
Dan, still cant find that event handler :(
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Do you have DayPilot.dll in your web app/bin directory?

Have you tried opening the demo from the download zip in Visual Web Developer?
Comment posted by Gareth
17 years ago.

Ok Dan, as you can see below, the code his highlighting better should i add "DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events" to it. However even though it compilers, if i click on any free time, the label (as a test) does not change to say "Hello", which it should do correct?





The below code, which is used to redirect a user the another page, if they click on an area that DOES have an event already in there, works. However i dont know how to pass the information across.. see below





void DayPilotCalendar1_EventClick(object sender, EventArgs e)"ViewEvents.aspx");

Really need to get this sorted soon so your help, as always, is very much appreciated.


void DayPilotCalendar1_TimeRangeSelected(object sender, DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.TimeRangeSelectedEventArgs e)"Hello");
Comment posted by Gareth
17 years ago.




protectedvoid DayPilotCalendar1_EventClick(object sender, EventArgs e)"ViewEvents.aspx");
Comment posted by Gareth
17 years ago.

lol dude can u email me as this site does not appear to like code being put into it/

Cheers Dan.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.

I'm contacting you directly at your e-mail address. Please see also the step-by-step guide for Visual Web Developer in this topic:

The code pasting (from Visual Studio into Internet Explorer) should be fixed finally.
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