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Any way you can pass a model in BackendURL

Asked by B
7 years ago.

Hello there

Is there any way we can pass a model in "BackendUrl = Url.Action("Backend", "Controller", "Test Model" ),"


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

The backend URL is just a URL string and it doesn't allow passing anything else.

You can pass custom parameters as an ID, query string or in a cookie.

Example for custom query string:

@Url.Action("Backend", "Controller", new { user = "John", type = "2" })

You can read the query string anywhere in the backend class using Controller.Request.QueryString:

public class Dps: DayPilotScheduler {
  protected override void OnInit(InitArgs ea)
    string name = Controller.Request.QueryString["name"];
    // ...
Comment posted by B
7 years ago.

Thanks Dan

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