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select form with remote search

Asked by Steffan
10 months ago.

hello im using

const formoptions = await fetch("sql_backend-search-client.php").then(response => response.json());

const form = [


name: "client",

id: "client",

type: "select",

options: formoptions,


const modal = await DayPilot.Modal.form(form);

And that is showing me all the clients in the database when creating a new item in agenda.

But i like to change that field to a search field so i can search for a client
I have a external page that does this but howw can i include that page to this model?

Answer posted by Steffan
10 months ago.

oeps i see you can change it to

type: "searchable",

so that works :-)

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 months ago.

Great, thanks for posting the solution!

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