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How to search for a cell

Asked by Anonymous
15 years ago.

Hey, i'm quite new to this, but is there a way to search for a cell in your DayPilotScheduler ?

I want to change the background color of certain cells and currently I'm doing this in the BeforeCellRender event where I can check each cell if it matches my requirements. However this doesn't seem very efficient since I have to loop through all the cells when I only want a change a few.

My rows are persons and my columns are dates. If I want to change the cell for person A on the 25th of June, could I access this cell instantly?

Here's an example of what I mean with a gridview: grid.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text = "test";

Thanks in advance!

Comment posted by ***
13 years ago.

I am also having the same issue...pls post the answer soon..

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
13 years ago.

It's only possible to change the cell properties using the BeforeCellRender event.

There are several problems with the DataGrid model you are mentioning:

  • The on-demand rendering (if turned on) only requires a section of the whole array. Storing the whole array would not be efficient since the user might not even want see it all.
  • As the number of cells depends on several properties (Resources, CellDuration, Days) it would have to be rebuilt completely if any of these properties is changed.

It would be possible to add an alternative model for accessing the cells but I don't see a substantial improvement there.

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