All the classes mentioned in the documentation should be working fine:
- alldayevent (all-day event box)
- event (event box)
- cellbackground (time cell)
- colheader (column header cell)
- alldayheader (all-day header cell)
- corner (upper-left corner cell)
- cornerright (upper-right corner cell, above the vertical scrollbar)
- hourhalfcellborder (time cell border splitting cells inside an hour, only border-bottom value allowed)
- hourcellborder (time cell border splitting hours, only border-bottom value allowed)
- rowheader (row header cell)
There are three new classes available:
- scroll_up
- event_delete
- scroll_down
These can be used to define the images for the scroll up, scroll down, and event delete icons.
Please remember that the inline properties (such as EventBackColor) override any styles defined in the classes.
See also the sample css defined in the demo package in Demo/Themes/themes.css.