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Prevent dragStart from removing list item

Asked by Joey
7 years ago.

I would like to be able to drag events from a list and place them on a Calendar and not have those items get deleted from the list. I've tried the instructions at the following URL, but it doesn't work. The items are still removed from the list. I'm using version 8.2.5834.

Answer posted by Joey
7 years ago.

Oh, found another answer that seems to have answered this. The first parameter needs to be null, not that last parameter as indicated in the above link.

onmousedown='return DayPilotCalendar.dragStart(this, 60*30, "125", this.innerHTML);'

should be...

onmousedown='return DayPilotCalendar.dragStart(null, 60*30, "125", this.innerHTML);'

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